Wind energy is acknowledged globally as the most secure and eco-friendly renewable energy source, extensively adopted by top nations worldwide.

A wind power plant comprises a collection of distinct turbines that transform wind energy into electrical power. These plants are capable of providing electricity to either the main grid or to a dedicated, isolated consumer network. Adopting wind power not only leads to a substantial reduction in energy expenses but also contributes importantly to enhancing national energy independence.

The team of experts at Step Energy is ready to assist you in installing a wind power system.

Our Service

As an EPC company, we stand firmly by our customer's side throughout the entire construction phase of the power plant.

Installation of Wind Measuring Devices

We provide installation services for wind measuring devices, including "met masts," which accurately measure wind speed and direction. These devices are crucial prerequisites before the installation of wind turbines.

Designing a Power Plant

Following the selection of the optimal location, determined with the assistance of "met masts" to ensure maximum power generation, we meticulously design your power plant.

Development and Construction of the Station

We will guide you through the design and construction of the station based on a pre-written project, meticulously crafted by our experienced professionals.

Further Operation and Maintenance

Furthermore, the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the service necessitates detailed and continuous monitoring of the plant. This ensures that clean energy generation operates smoothly throughout the year.